art quebec artistes peintre sculpteur
Galerie d'art
Galerie d'art
artiste peintre quebec


Melange of milieu-New-York


Artiste: Hermine

Type: Exposition

Description: HERMINE Mélange of Milieu February 14 - March 7, 2017 Reception: Thursday February 16, 2017 6-8 PM

The work of Canadian photographer, painter, and sculptress HERMINE seeks to uncover what the artist herself calls a “strange beauty” in everyday subjects and recognizable objects. Each work of art is extraordinarily dynamic, transforming the ordinary into something that’s so much more: visual images that are both transcendent yet very much of this earth. HERMINE is a master of color and composition, and her work is compelling, profound, and utterly beautiful.

One of the elements that makes the art so appealing is the artist’s understanding and implementation of spatial relationships, which serve both to reduce the subject to its simplest manifestation and also expand it to achieve greater understanding of its essence. As HERMINE so eloquently explains, “I seek to define the elusive beauty that surrounds me. I see to witness and immortalize the intangible human condition. Materialization is transcribed by fracturing, amputating, and geometrically rendering shapes. I cut and uproot the subject that takes life under my fingers.”

HERMINE currently lives and works in Baie-Saint- Paul in Quebec, Canada.

Lieux: Agora Gallery

Info lieux: New-York

Ville: New-York
Pays: USA
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Date: du: 14-02-2017 au: 07-03-2017




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